kaufmann repetto

Apri la mappa

Via di Porta Tenaglia, 7
20121 Milano

MAR-SAB 10.30-19.00

Corydon Cowansage
Irma Blank (Collezione Ramo)

Corydon Cowansage risponde alle domande di
Irina Zucca Alessandrelli, curatrice della Collezione Ramo

What is drawing for you?
Drawing for me is a way to experiment and articulate my thoughts. I use drawing to work out my ideas before I start on paintings.

Which techniques and creative processes do you use when working on paper?
I make many quick, rough sketches in pen on cheap printer paper. They are piled up around my studio and hanging on the walls. I use these drawings to figure out what to paint. The approach I use to drawing is very different from my paintings — my paintings are relatively planned out and predetermined, whereas when I draw I’m making something on the spot and improvising. Sometimes when I begin a drawing I have no idea where it’s going. I often draw and redraw and iterate on something until it works, and so I end up drawing many versions of one idea.

Why did you choose this work from Collezione Ramo?
I connected to the intense, repeated mark making in Irma Blank’s piece. I like how chaotic her drawing feels, but also organized and orderly. Though our work is very different in many ways, we both use this type of frenetic mark making to explore our ideas and experiences.

CORYDON COWANSAGE (1985, Philadelphia) - Vive e lavora a New York. Attraverso una palette vibrante e uno studio molto preciso della composizione, Cowansage si appropria del grande formato, popolando lo spazio di elementi vegetali e antropomorfi, semplificati al punto da diventare irriconoscibili. Il suo tema principale è il rapporto tra natura e artificio, che restituisce nelle opere dai toni acidi e particolarmente stridenti.