Castello Sforzesco

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Piazza Castello, 20121 Milan
Entrance Porta Santo Spirito (Cadorna side)
Salette della Grafica

TUE-SUN 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Umberto Boccioni

Pre-Futurist dialogue between two Milanese collections.

The Gabinetto dei Disegni collection of the Castello Sforzesco in Milan holds sixty-one works on paper by Umberto Boccioni created between 1906 and 1916. From this body of work emerge all the stages of the stylistic path of one of the most important Italian and international artists of the last century. This exhibition investigates the Divisionist phase and the incipient moment of the Futurist transition, comparing for the first time drawings from the same period belonging to Collezione Ramo and the Milan civic collections. Masterpieces side by side as in the artist's studio ready to reveal themselves in the intensity of that sign that generated the Futurist revolution.